Thursday, July 2, 2015

Searching for Souls in the Tropical Mountains

Yesterday was our first day of ministry in Niki Niki. This part of the country is absolutely beautiful, just gorgeous! We are up in the tropical mountains surrounded by palm trees, radiant sun, and what seems like the bluest sky I've ever seen! It's another snip it of God's amazing masterpiece of creation!

As we arrived, the children sat cross-legged, patiently waiting, just like the kids in Batam. But these children would prove to be a very different group. About 50 children attended our program in the small concrete building located in the village next door to Pastor Jonathan's house. The building is a single room, about the size of my parents' living room (they have a "great room," but still). It's a concrete slab with concrete walls and a tin roof. No ceiling, just the wooden beams and tin roof. Windows are cut out of the walls and doorways, but no doors. The natural light shines through beautifully! And the orange tarp on the floor adds a touch of color.

The children are incredibly well-behaved. As we arrived, they sat quietly. Pastor Lucas's wife led the children in singing to warm up! They sang in Bahasa Indonesia (the national language). It was fun to watch and hear them. They were so into it. They enjoyed praising the Lord!

As Chris and John administered name tags, Jason and I led the children in "Jesus loves the Little Children" and "Father Abraham." They picked up the English versions very quickly. It was much smoother than the group in Batam. We began our teaching with prayer then reviewing clothing, colors, numbers, and body parts. Of course, we had to do "head, shoulders, knees, and toes."

Lucas then told part of the story of Gideon (Book of Judges) before we let them color their angels for the craft. Our craft is a construction paper trumpet to go along with the story of Gideon. They colored angels and wrote "angel" to decorate the trumpet, again, to accompany the story. We made the trumpets out of their decorated paper last night and will return them today (day 2).

We had a break for lunch which was at Pastor Jonathan's house. Delicious fried chicken, rice - of course - and amazing fresh fruit from the back yard: oranges, bananas, and papaya! With the extra break time, we played ball with the kids! Chris and Lucas led the older kids in soccer while Jason and I led volleyball with the younger kids. It was a blast!! These kids are so fun! And they LOVE that we play with them!

After lunch, I read them Clifford and Lucas acted out the big, red dog! They loved it! It was fun to read to them, and Lucas was a great dog! It's been a long time since I've heard a bunch of kids laugh like that!

Chris then taught family members, shapes, and big versus little. Then, we taught introductions. This was a little much for them, but they still made progress.

Jason led a "do as I do" game with dancing and fun movements! We threw in some random songs here and there to get the children active and participating. Sometimes they just need a change of pace!

Overall, these kids are phenomenal! Very well-behaved, wanting to do as we do and learn. They are kind - we don't have any trouble makers. They observe us and want to follow our example. Even some of the parents would watch and want to join in the games!

We had a wonderful day and I am excited for what today will bring! These children are truly a treasure, and in just one day have blessed my soul! I pray the Lord touches their lives in mighty ways and raises them up to great heights!

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